Surface Protection, Impregnations, Hydrophobic Agents, UV-Coating Systems, Primer and Top Coat
Surface Protection, Impregnations, Hydrophobic Agents, UV-Coating Systems, Primer and Top Coat


PROTECT reduces concretes ability to absorb water, chlorides and other harmful water-borne chemicals


Efflorescence occurs when calcium hydroxide (lime) formed in the hydration reaction of portland cement is transported by water to the surface through capillaries in the concrete. There it combines with carbon dioxide from the air to produce insoluble calcium carbonate and water.
Apart from presenting a cosmetic outer problem, cleaning and removing the white, powdery scum may cost a lot of time, money and effort.


Understanding how efflorescence works, also provides information on how to prevent it. Cleaning and removing does not cure the problem; it only removes the symptoms. Efflorescence will reappear until precautionary measures affect the conditions under which efflorescence occurs.

Adding hydrophobic admixtures during concrete’s mixing process ensures holistic and permanent protection against water penetrating into the concrete structure: Since the reaction takes place inside the matrix of the concrete, the hydrophobic agent becomes an integral part of the concrete mass and thus cannot be removed or worn off later on.


Two specimens are tested under conditions necessary for efflorescence. One treated with PROTECT, one non-treated. The specimen treated with PROTECT keeps its appearance whereas the non-treated shows typical white efflorescent salts.

Protects concrete from efflorescence    Protects concrete from efflorescence    Protects concrete from efflorescence

protects concrete from efflorescence

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